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our pastors


pastor ashish habil

Pastor Ashish is a missionary, preacher, evangelist, pastor and teacher with a passion to minister the Word of God. The focus of Ashish’s ministry has been centered on revival, salvation, healing and deliverance.


After getting into an accident as a teenager and declared legally handicapped, Pastor Ashish started meditating on the word of God and by faith was instantly healed! 

After that time, Ashish has traveled the world non-stop preaching the Gospel and seeing God perform miracles, signs and wonders.

Pastor lauren kusant

Pastor Lauren, a graduate of Charis Bible College, is a missionary and preacher whose desire it is to see people set free from the bondages of religion.  Her heart is to equip the body with the truth of their identity in Christ so they are empowered to fulfill the Great Commission.

Growing up as a Christian, Pastor Lauren never gave up on her faith, but in her late 20's she began to experience anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.  In a moment of desperation, Lauren cried out to the Lord, "if you're real make yourself known to me."  From that moment on, the Lord touched her life and she has never looked back.  She went from having an intellectual knowledge of God to knowing Him intimately.

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